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Eccomi qui!

Ciao a tutti! Il mio nome è Annalisa e ho 19 anni. Per descrivermi bastano esattamente tre semplici e sincere parole: Schietta, Riservata, Solare…La voglia di iscrivermi su Blogger nasce dal desiderio di condividere con voi una delle mie più grandi passioni, ovvero LA MODA. Già da tempo avrei voluto farlo ma un po’ per il tempo, un po’ per l’indecisione e sopratutto per l’imbarazzo ho sempre rimandato. Da oggi comincerò a mostrarvi quel che riguarda la mia vita, in modo che possiate entrare “dentro me”!
Hello to all! My name is Annalisa and I am 19 years old. Enough to describe me exactly three simple and straightforward words: Straightforward, Private, Solar. The desire to register on Blogger born from the desire to share with you one of my greatest passions, namely FASHION. For some time I wanted to do but a bit ‘for the time, a little’ indecision and especially for the embarrassment I have always postponed. From today I will begin to show you what concerns my life, so that you can get “inside me”!
1 Comment
  • ac repair services
    novembre 14, 2023

    It’s fantastic to meet you, Annalisa! Your enthusiasm for fashion is truly infectious. Taking that step to share your passion on Blogger is admirable, and I’m sure many will appreciate your insights. Don’t worry about the hesitation—starting something new can feel daunting, but it’s wonderful that you’ve decided to open up and let us into your world. Can’t wait to see what you have in store!

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